Discounts luxury holiday home denmark

Caprice Spa offers you different types of discounts:


Low season discount

If you book a stay at Caprice Spa in the low seasons D or E we offer you the following discounts:

Season D: 15% discount (has been deducted the listed price already)

Season E: 20% discount (has been deducted the listed price already)


Senior discount

Get 20 % Senior discount. If you are staying less than 18 persons in the house you get another 1 % discount per person less than 18 (however max 10 %). So less persons means higher discount.

Example 1: If you are 14 guests you get 20 % discount plus another 4 % - in total 24 %.

Example 2: If you are 12 guests you get 20 % discount plus another 6 % - in total 26 %.

With this discount you can get up to 30 % discount on your stay in this fantastic luxury holiday home.

The Senior discount is only granted when all guests are 50 plus. It cannot be combined with other discounts and is only available in the seasons D and E.


Regular customer discount

Gather 5 % discount for every week you rent the holiday home however max. 35 % in the seasons D and E and max. 10 % in the seasons A, B and C.

The discount is gathered over the past 60 weeks. If e.g. you have rented the holiday home for 4 weeks in the past 60 weeks you get 20 % discount if these 4 weeks are season D and E weeks and you get 10 % discount if the 4 weeks are season A, B and C weeks. The discount is granted for all weeks within the past 60 weeks and is convertible from the second time you book the house.

The purpose with this discount system is to build up a group of regular guest, who appreciates and respect the product that we offer. Regular guests gives us the opportunity to offer a better and more individual service during the time of the stay and hopefully makes the guests feel like staying in their own holiday home.

The Regular customer discount is only granted if the same persons are returning to the house and it is not transferable to new customers. It cannot be combined with other discounts.


Last Minute discount

Get 20 % discount if you rent the house max. 7 days before the rental period begins.

Get 15 % discount if you rent the house max. 14 days before the rental period begins.

Get 10 % discount if you rent the house max. 21 days before the rental period begins.

Get 5 % discount if you rent the house max. 28 days before the rental period begins.

The Last Minute discount cannot be combined with other discounts and is only available in the seasons D and E.